Installation instructions

The most straightforward way to use the alns package in your project is to install via pip, like so:

pip install alns

Installing from source

To install the latest version of alns directly from the GitHub repository, you can use pip, like so:

pip install 'alns @ git+'

This can be useful to get updates that have not yet made it to the Python package index.

Running the examples locally

To run the example notebooks locally, first clone the repository:

git clone

Then, make sure your Python version has poetry:

pip install --upgrade poetry

Now, go into the ALNS repository and set-up a virtual environment. We want a virtual environment that also contains all dependencies needed to run the example notebooks, so we also need to install the optional examples dependency group. This goes like so:

poetry install --with examples

This might take a few minutes to resolve, but only needs to be done once. After setting everything up, simply open the jupyter notebooks:

poetry run jupyter notebook

This will open up a page in your browser, where you can navigate to the example notebooks in the examples/ folder!