
Conversations about development and issues take place in the GitHub repository. Feel free to open a new issue if you have something to discuss.

Setting up a local installation

First, fork the alns repository from the GitHub website. Then, clone your new fork to some local environment:

git clone<your username>/ALNS.git

Now, change into the ALNS directory, and set-up the virtual environment using poetry:


pip install --upgrade poetry
poetry install --with examples

This might take a few minutes, but only needs to be done once. Now make sure everything runs smoothly, by executing the test suite:

poetry run pytest


If you use pre-commit, you can use our pre-commit configuration file to set that up too. Simply type:

pre-commit install

After this completes, style and typing issues are automatically checked whenever you make a new commit to your feature branch.

Committing changes

We use pull requests to develop the alns package. For a pull request to be accepted, you must meet the below requirements. This greatly reduces the job of maintaining and releasing the software.

  • One branch. One feature. Branches are cheap and GitHub makes it easy to merge and delete branches with a few clicks. Avoid the temptation to lump in a bunch of unrelated changes when working on a feature, if possible. This helps us keep track of what has changed when preparing a release.

  • Commit messages should be clear and concise. This means a subject line of less than 80 characters, and, if necessary, a blank line followed by a commit message body.

  • Code submissions should always include tests.

  • Each function, class, method, and attribute needs to be documented using docstrings. We conform to the NumPy docstring standard.

  • If you are adding new functionality, you need to add it to the documentation by editing (or creating) the appropriate file in docs/source/.

  • Make sure your documentation changes parse correctly. See the documentation in the docs/ directory for details on how to build the documentation locally.