.. module:: alns.select :synopsis: Operator selection schemes Operator selection schemes ========================== The :mod:`alns.select` module contains the various operator selection schemes the `alns` package ships with. These are used during the ALNS search to select a destroy and repair operator pair in each iteration. All operator selection schemes inherit from :class:`~alns.select.OperatorSelectionScheme.OperatorSelectionScheme`. .. automodule:: alns.select.OperatorSelectionScheme :members: .. automodule:: alns.select.AlphaUCB :members: .. automodule:: alns.select.MABSelector .. autoclass:: MABSelector :members: .. automodule:: alns.select.RandomSelect :members: .. automodule:: alns.select.RouletteWheel :members: .. automodule:: alns.select.SegmentedRouletteWheel :members: