.. module:: alns :synopsis: ALNS ALNS ==== The top-level :mod:`alns` module exposes the :class:`~alns.ALNS.ALNS` class, which is used to run the ALNS algorithm. Finally, the :meth:`~alns.ALNS.ALNS.iterate` method on :class:`~alns.ALNS.ALNS` instances returns a :class:`~alns.Result.Result` object. Its properties and methods can be used to access the final solution and runtime statistics. The :class:`~alns.Statistics.Statistics` object is also presented below, but it is typically not necessary to interact with it: most things are already available via the :class:`~alns.Result.Result` object. .. automodule:: alns.ALNS :members: .. automodule:: alns.State :members: .. automodule:: alns.Result :members: .. automodule:: alns.Outcome :members: .. automodule:: alns.Statistics :members: .. automodule:: alns.show_versions :members: